Tag: Kleki

Cybersmart – Kleiki

Today we were doing kleiki for being being on task every cybersmart session , so Mrs Grant decided

to make us do Kleki for fun . First Mrs Grant told us to open up 3 tabs to be ready .  After that we went on

Kleki to make our transparent background so our pictures can be seen. Next Mrs Grant showed us her example

so we could see how to do it properly . We had to choose a object or Animal to trace. Then we had to put in our

picture of our object or Animal . We had to  put our picture in and make is apear a little transparent.

Next we had to trace & wait for Mrs Grant to finish her Grasshoper to tell us what to do next. After that

We started to color in with the paint bucket tool . Finally we had to put in some detail and work on our google

drawing and put our background in and Blog .