This is an elera fish, it lives in Tonga and eats snapper fish and is about 13 inches width.
For the tools, I used shapes,polyline,and lines. I added a antena which is on the Anglerfish.
This is an elera fish, it lives in Tonga and eats snapper fish and is about 13 inches width.
For the tools, I used shapes,polyline,and lines. I added a antena which is on the Anglerfish.
Kia Ora Micaela,
This is Zana from the Summer Learning Journey. It is awesome to see you posting for this year’s Summer Learning Journey. Is this your first year or have you done it before?
What a fun activity, I like that all the activities this year focus on the same topic, the ocean, but have you complete different kinds of activities. Which activity has been your favourite so far?
I think your aquatic animal looks awesome and I like that you chose to create it online, do you think that was easier than creating it on paper. If I were to make my own aquatic animal I would probably do it on paper as I like painting.
I also like that your animal is a hybrid of many different fish. What was the difference between this activity and the kick start?
I hope to see more posts from you!!
Ngā mihi nui,
Zana Yates