What are shapegrams?

Today for Cybersmart, I made shapegrams  on a Google drawing. We used stuff like keyboard shortcuts and shapes.

First, we started to watch a video made by a man named Tony. It was a tutorial on how to make a house with shapes.

After that, we custiomized it and added some personlization to make our Google drawing interesting and fun.

Then, when we were finished we got to draw with shapes, lions, an Ice-Cream, and a emoji face.

Next, I added all of them into a Google draw and used my imagination to create this drawing with shapes.

Finally I blogged. I enjoyed this task but mostly the Ice cream one because it was fun with the strawberries.

I learnt what shapegrams are. For the keyboard shortcuts and stuff, we used

  • Shift to give the shapes a little nudge
  • Ctrl d to duplacate
  • shapes on a Google draw
  • colors on the shapes

I would recommend this activities because it was easy to make shapegrams and learn new things.



This week we are learning about llamas and gettinng information and retell it in less words. This activity is used for reading which was super fun because we learnt diffrent ways of learning and learning about animals is fun. First we had to write in our books about Llamas. After that, I went on Google drive and made a Google drawing, When we were finished I decorated it to be fabulous and creative. Then I made a Google slide ( also from Google drive) about the products used from  Llamas hair. I added pictures and put it in remove BG which is a website that removes the background. Then, I did the information and font to decorate. This experience was fun and I felt joyful and I enjoyed doing this activity. Finally I blogged. I hope you guys will like it to!